


I love u as the dewdrops love the flowers; as the birds love theyo ne;as the wavelets love the breeze.

2.激情、信念、情感、奉献和忠诚— 这些我在你身上都能看到。 永远属于我吧。

Passion, faith, emotion, sacrifice and dedication. Al I find in you. Be mine forever!

3.如果没有你的爱来温暖我的心,没有你的微笑来照亮我的时光, 没有你的思想来指弓}我的方向,我不知道我的生活将会怎样。

I do not know what my life would be, without your love to warm my heart, without your smile to light my day and without your thoughts to show my way.

4.你一直在我心上。我爱你爱得发狂。你千万不要离开我。没有你, 我的生活就失去了意义。

You are always on my mind. I love you madly. Please never leave me My life wil be meaningless without you.


Flowers need sunshine. Violet needs dew. Al angels in Heaven know l need you.

6.你是我的伴侣,我的知己,我的益友,还真是我的另一半。我知 道,我们的爱是永恒的。谢谢你给了我一个完整的世界。

You are my partner. my confidant, and my best friend, indeed my beter half. I know our love is forever. Thanks for completing my world.


Years may且y, tears may dry, but my love for you wil never die.

8.你可以是这世界上的某个人,但对我来说,你是我的整个世界。 如果你不能把我拥在怀里,你就把我放在你的心上。

You might be someone in the world, but for me you are the world. If you can't keep me in your arms, keep me in your heart.


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