
  Dear own, from today's live it for their own pride, love yourself, no one will feel bad for you.   二十二岁,我明白了一个道理:儿女的长大,是以父母的衰老为代价的。父母终日辛劳,为儿女操碎了多少心。在家的那段日子里,我突然发现父母老了很多。父亲的额角又添了几道皱纹,鬓角也长出了些许白头发。父亲变了很多,开始怕起我们来。从小都是我们怕父亲,这让我感觉很惶恐。母亲的眼花了,身体也大不如从前了。我知道这两年发生了很多事情,先是舅舅身罹绝症去世,然后又是姥爷被确诊同样的病症。母亲承受了太多的痛苦。我告诉自己:你已经长大了,应该学会帮父母分担一些责任。   Twenty-year-old, I understand the truth: children grow up, based on the cost of aging parents. Parents toil all day, for how many children speak broken heart. Home those days, I suddenly found a lot of old parents. Father added a few wrinkles forehead, temples also grow a little white hair. Father changed a lot and began to fear from us. We are afraid of his father from an early age, it makes me feel very terrified. Mother of vertigo, the body is also great as it once was. I know a lot of things happened this year, first suffering terminally ill uncle body dies, then another grandfather was diagnosed with the same disease. Mother suffered a lot of pain. I told myself: you have grown up, should learn to help parents share some responsibility.   Has junior, I feel the time urgency. In front of us is the mountain of employment two years after we have our separate ways. In these two years, there are things I have to learn a lot of things to be prepared, there are many. So I told myself: can not dawdle, we must seize the time, good knowledge base, targeted to certain aspects of their own culture. 已经大三了,我感到了时间的紧迫性。在我们面前的是就业这座大山,两年后的我们,已经各奔东西。在这两年的时间里,我要学会的东西还有很多,要准备的事情也有很多。所以我告诉自己:不能再混日子了,一定要抓紧时间,做好知识储备,有针对性的培养自己某方面的才能。     练习微笑。每天给自己一个笑容。不论以后的生活有多苦多难,都要笑着去面对。 亲爱的自己,不要太在意一些人太在乎一些事,顺其自然以最佳心态面对,因为这世界就是这么不公平往往在最在乎的事物面前我们最没有价值。     Practice smiling. Give yourself a smile every day. Later in life no matter how bitter and more difficult to be a smile to face. Dear yourself, do not be too concerned about some people worry so much about something, go with the flow in the best state of mind to face, because this world is so unfair often cares about most things in front of our most worthless.   Happiness is ubiquitous. When the first rays of the morning sun through the curtains sewn, according to the body, the heart is happy; when you see the roadside flowers blooming, my heart is happy; when you see the cleaners, police uncle busy, the environment when organized, the heart is happy; when you hear the calls of birds crisp, and my heart is happy. I wish you happy birthday   快乐是无处不在的。当早晨第一缕阳光透过窗帘缝,照在身上时,心里是快乐的;当看到路边绽开的花朵时,心里是快乐的;当看到清洁工人,交警叔叔忙碌的身影时,环境井然有序时,心里是快乐的;当听到鸟儿清脆的叫声时,心里是快乐的。祝自己生日快乐   亲爱的自己,永远不要为难自己,比如不吃饭、哭泣、自闭、抑郁,这些都是傻瓜才做的事。   Dear own, never embarrassed himself, such as not eating, crying, self esteem, depression, these are the fools do.   Some people say that although the hardships of life, but there are people live leisurely, gusto. Because they face life in a happy heart, looking happy in a difficult place, then life would therefore have bright colors. I wish you happy birthday Dear yourself, learn smarter, do not always ask the people around some very idiotic question, it was really boring.   有人说生活虽然艰辛,但总有些人活得从容不迫,有滋有味。因为他们以快乐心直面人生,于艰难处寻觅快乐,于是生活便因此有了亮色。祝自己生日快乐 亲爱的自己,学会聪明一点,不要老是问周围的人一些很白痴的问题,那真的很无聊。   有人说快乐里自己很远,而我说快乐无处不在。快乐是自己创造的,自己就是快乐的源泉!人生这么短暂,我相信每个人都希望快乐的度过一生。可是生活难免面有许多磕磕碰碰,让我们不那么快乐。那么想要拥有快乐就需要追求快乐!祝自己生日快乐 亲爱的自己,如果不开心了就找个角落或者在被子里哭一下,你不需要别人同情可怜,哭过之后一样可以开心生活。     Some people say that he is very happy in far, and I say happy everywhere. Happiness is his own creation, he is the source of happiness! Life is so short, I believe that everyone wants to spend a happy life. But life will inevitably face many bumps, so we are not so happy. So you want to have fun on the need to pursue happiness! I wish you happy birthday Dear own, if not happy to find a corner or in the yard to cry about, you do not sympathize with the poor people, as you can after crying happy life.   I love you not because you are a kind of person, but because I like the feeling with you when. I wish you happy birthday 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。祝自己生日快乐   亲爱的自己,学会控制自己的情绪,谁都不欠你,所以你没有道理跟别人随便发脾气,耍性子。     Dear yourself, learn to control their emotions, who do not owe you, so you do not reason with people just get angry, playing patience. 亲爱的自己,你可以失望但不能绝望,你要始终相信,明天是新的一天。   亲爱的自己,你不要老是想依赖别人,更不能奢望别人在你需要的时候第一时间站出来,毕竟你们谁都不是谁的谁。   Dear yourself, you may be disappointed but not despair, you should always believe that tomorrow is a new day.   Dear yourself, you do not always want to rely on others, but can not expect someone else when you need to stand up for the first time, after all of you who are not who.   亲爱的自己,永远不要轻易对别人许下承诺,许下的承诺就是欠下的债!   懂得承受的人,不会将喜怒哀乐挂在脸上,而是将生活中的所有辛酸和快乐浓缩成智慧,隐藏在忙碌的身影背后,在举手投足间,默默地释放出人生的精彩!在为人处世中,收获着不容掩饰的快乐!在疲惫不堪时,懂得了放弃该放弃的所有,握住属于自己的执着,不让岁月成蹉跎!   Dear own, never easy for others promise, a promise is a debt owed!   People who know how to bear, not the emotions on his face, but the lives of all the bitterness and happiness condensed into wisdom, hidden behind the busy, in the gestures, quietly released a wonderful life! In interaction with others, the harvest can not hide the joy! When tired, give up the abandoned understand all holding their own perseverance, not a wasted years!   痛苦能使人清醒,人活着就痛苦,那本是谁也无法避免的事,你若能记住这句话,你一定会活的更坚强些,更愉快些。因为你渐渐地就会发现,只有一个能在清醒中忍受痛苦的人,他的生命才有意义,他的人格才值得尊敬。——古龙   当你再也没有什么可以失去的时候,就是你开始得到的时候。   Pain can make a person sober, people live on pain, that this is something no one can avoid, if you can remember these words, you will live some stronger, some more enjoyable. Gradually, as you will find only one able to endure the pain in the wake of the man, his life makes sense, his personality was worthy of respect. - Cologne   When you no longer have anything to lose, that moment when you start to get.   The time to tell me that age is too vexatious, and the sensible.   时间告诉我,无理取闹的年龄过了,该懂事了。   每个人都有他的路,每条路都是正确的。人的不幸在于他们不想走自己那条路,总想走别人的路。——托马斯·伯恩哈德 Everyone has his way, every road is correct. Unfortunately people that they want to go that way themselves, always want to go the way of others. - Thomas Bernhard   Time did not allow me to forget you, but I think you get used to. 时间没有让我忘了你,而是让我习惯了想你。   节俭,是一种意识,是一种美德。对个人,是一种科学的生活方式。对社会,是一种文明。把这种美德传下去,是每个人的责任。  Frugality is a consciousness, is a virtue. For individuals, is a scientific way of life. Society is a civilization. To pass on this virtue, is everyone's responsibility.   Grass in its unyielding courage. Nourish the land, encourage earthworms, natural competition, wind shake, do not throw not abandon, one day I looked up, he was the sun and the moon transformation.   小草的勇敢在于其不屈。土地的滋养,蚯蚓的鼓励,自然的竞争,大风的摇晃,不丢不弃,一天一抬头,任骄阳和明月的变换。   关键是一份心态,不同的心态有不同的结果,正如乐观的人看到的是一张白纸,而悲观的人看到的是白纸上的一个黑点。淡然面对生活,是一份心境,更是一种智慧。它可以使人们把事情看得更淡,更轻,但并不是消极的逃避。   The key is a mentality, a different mentality have different results, as optimists see is a piece of paper, while a pessimist sees a black spot on the white paper. Indifferent face of life, is a state of mind, it is a kind of wisdom. It can make people see things lighter and lighter, but not negative escape.   命运就像一块名贵的丝帕,再怎么巧夺天工,摊在手心,仍会透出稀稀疏疏的细缝。在阳光的照射下,那些难以缝合的针脚映现出丝丝缕缕的光,貌似一束含苞待放的花朵,深深嵌入心底,并在那里长出一片,芬芳圣洁化作一份淡定的心情,只此浮生静静的看着它绽放。   Fate is like a precious Sipa, no matter how intricate, spread in the palm, still revealing slit Xixishushu. In the sunlight, illuminates hard to pin stitched silk strands of light that looks like a bunch of budding flowers, deeply embedded in my heart, and where to grow one, turned into a fragrance holy calm mood, only this Bliss quietly watching it bloom.  
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