
  Sometimes, some of the secular idea aside, are afraid to confront some of his own heart. Somewhere, seems to be an irresistible force in the tie him down, make yourself a standstill. Depressed, confused, and so frustrated negative negative emotions penetrate the skin cells of blood, quietly devouring humble confidence.    【2015年送给自己的话】:一些看似符合情理的事情,却被莫名其妙的潜规则。无知就像潜伏在体内的病灶,看不见,摸不透,只能眼睁睁的看着它发作,自己却束手无策。最大的悲哀莫过于,遍体鳞伤却找不到伤口在哪里。 Some things seem consistent with reasonable, but was somehow unspoken rules. Ignorance is like lurking in the body of the lesion, unseen, unpredictable, could only watch as it attacks, they themselves are helpless. Greatest tragedy than, black and blue but can not find where the wound.  【2015年送给自己的话】:纵观人的一生,想得到和怕失去,贯穿始终。它们是万花筒中的三棱镜,是万花筒的心。旋转时,万花筒产生了五光十色的幻像。我们处在其中,时而欢乐,时而悲伤,时而幸福,时而痛苦。酸甜苦辣,悲欢离合,无所不有,而每人又不尽相同。这就是人生。 Throughout a person's life, want and fear of losing, throughout. They are the kaleidoscope prism, is a kaleidoscope of heart. Rotation, produced a colorful kaleidoscope of phantom. Which we are in, sometimes joyous, sometimes sad, sometimes happy, sometimes painful. Ups and downs, joys and sorrows, nothing is there, but they are not the same person. That is life.   【2015年送给自己的话】:清浅时光在暖阳里悄悄流淌,静坐梳妆台前,轻轻梳理发丝,两鬓贴上黄花,一丝暖意在清冷的镜中蔓延。不知从何处发出一声轻轻的叹息,在空寂的镜子里轻轻的回应。独坐空镜,对影成双,冷落了两鬓黄花。 Shallow time in the warm sun flowing quietly, before the sit-dresser, gently comb hair, temples yellow paste, spread a trace of warmth in the cold mirror. I do not know uttered softly sigh from where, in the empty mirror gently response. Sitting in an empty mirror, on the film pairs, neglected temples yellow.    【2015年送给自己的话】:勤奋是走向成功的唯一途径。没有它,天才也会变成呆子。成功=艰苦劳动+正确方法+少说空话。世界上最美好的东西,都是由劳动由勤快的双手创造出来的。勤奋的劳动,可以获得丰硕的成果。要想在仕途中成功的收获,还须我们一双勤劳的手。 Hard work is the only way to success. Without it, genius will become fool. Success = hard work + + less the right way to talk. The best things in the world are created by the labor diligent hands out. Hard work, you can get great results. To be successful in a career in the harvest, we must pair of hard-working hands.    【2015年送给自己的话】:放弃了,就不该后悔。失去了,就不该回忆。放下该放下的你,退出没结局的剧。 Give up, do not regret that. Lost, not the memories. You put down the down, ending the drama did not quit.    【2015年送给自己的话】:不管你有多开心,总有一个人的名字会让你马上失去笑容。 No matter how happy you are, there is always a person's name makes you immediately lose the smile.    【2015年送给自己的话】:我迷茫,但我从不逃避现实。我冷漠,可是只要遇见对的人,我会燃烧。我怯弱,但必要时我会拿出足够的勇气。我没有宏伟的理想,但每一天我都在默默的努力。我也许渺小,但我值得自己骄傲。 I lost, but I never escape. I'm cold, but as long as you meet the right person, I will burn. I cowardly, but if necessary, I will come up with enough courage. I have no grand ideal, but every day I have been quietly efforts. I probably small, but I am worthy of their pride.    【2015年送给自己的话】:懂得承受的人,是不会轻易言弃的,不管前方的路多么的难走,多么的高不可攀!当面对困难时,会冷静地去分析,去思考,去反省!不会一哭二闹三上吊,更不会怨天尤人,而是先好好地认识自我!不会让一时的情绪左右了自己坚定的步伐,对待任何问题都会以辩证的眼光去看待。面对别人的过失,不会斤斤计较,更不会耿耿于怀,而是宽容地去对待,懂得了在换位思考中,让理解的理念渗透进感恩的情愫中! People who know how to bear, is not easily give up, no matter how difficult the road ahead to go, how unattainable! When faced with difficulties, will calmly to analyze, to think, to reflect! Not a crying two busy three hanging, not complaining, but first a good understanding of themselves! Do not let a moment of emotion about his firm steps to deal with any problems will look on dialectical. Faced with the faults of others, does not care about, not to bear a grudge, but tolerant to treat, in the empathy to understand, so that understanding the concept of penetration into the emotion of gratitude!      【2015年送给自己的话】:人生不向前走,不知路远;人生不得勤奋,不明智理。天才源于勤奋,蠢人出自懒惰,明智之人甘当勤奋的小蜜蜂。勤奋,是智慧的双胞胎,懒惰,是愚蠢的亲兄弟。勤奋的人,擅于利用时间,懒惰的人,总是没有时间。勤奋,是时间的主人,懒惰,是时间的奴隶。人的一生须得忙碌,忙碌才能体现价值,赢取向往的收获。 Life does not go forward, I do not know the road is long; life is not diligent, wise management. Genius comes from hard work, from the lazy fool, wise people willing hardworking bee. Diligence, wisdom twins, lazy, stupid brother. Hard-working people, good use of time, lazy people, always no time. Diligence, is the master of time, laziness, are slaves of time. Human life must be obtained busy, busy in order to reflect the value of winning longing harvest.   【2015年送给自己的话】:节俭,传了一代又一代人,养活了大地上的人类也支撑了这个社会的文明。按理来说,物质生活的充裕与精神文明的发达是一致的。但现实是人们的肚子填饱了,精神却空虚了。人们对自己生活质量提出高要求的同时是不是也该关注一下精神卫生呢? Thrifty, passed down from generation to generation, to feed humans on the earth also supported the social civilization. Logically speaking, abundant material and spiritual civilization developed life is the same. But the reality is that people fill the stomach, the spirit is empty. People make their own quality of life at the same time demanding that the look is not also a mental health it?    【2015年送给自己的话】:人生,不可能什么事情都面面俱到。当现实与理想发生冲突,想要摆脱现状,选择另外一种生存方式,就不可能会奢望还有高床软枕,可以清心安逸。也许,你必须忍受风霜扑面,颠沛流离。假如你不是那么爱慕虚荣,嫌贫爱富,此生温饱足矣,或许就会做到知足常乐,平平淡淡的走完余生。 Life, it is impossible anything exhaustive. When the conflict between reality and the ideal, you want to get rid of the status quo, choose another way of life, we can not expect there will be a high soft bed pillow can ease a pure heart. Perhaps, you have to endure frost he could feel displaced. If you are not so vain, Xianpinaifu, this life is enough food and clothing, perhaps it will achieve contentment, nothing exciting finish the rest of his life.    【2015年送给自己的话】:生活中,磕磕碰碰的事情在所难免,身为凡人,谁都无法逾越,只能默默地学会去承受,其实承受并不是懦弱的表现,而是一种智慧的象征。承受,也并非是逆来顺受,而是在别无选择的情况下,才不得不做出的抉择,承受的结果不该是堕落,而是身心的丰盈,是意志的历练! Life, something inevitable bumps, as mortals, no insurmountable, only to learn to endure in silence, in fact, is not a sign of weakness to bear, but a symbol of wisdom. Bear, and it is not submissive, but in the case of no choice, only to have to make choices, to bear the results should not be fall, but the abundance of physical and mental, is the will of experience!  
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