
status can be demonstrate in different ways: (demonstrated) if I am in fi nancing department of a  company, I want to be the one that can make difference to the company’s fi nancial situation by  organizing fi nancial movements; if I work for public accounting fi rms, I want to be one of the  partners that win a good reputation for providing valuable services. (整体都应该用过去时,以 表示意义虚拟和憧憬) As a Chinese citizen, I believe my best stage would be in China, but this does not contradict  to the idea of starting my career in America. (既然中国是最好的发展舞台,为什么不在中国发 展?还是要简单地充实一下在美国的原因) The most mature and active market in the world’s  fi nancial system, US market is an ideal place for fresh players in this profession. To be a better beginner, and to meet the most of my desire to learn new things, I set up my  short term goal as to become a certifi ed professional accountant in US, perhaps the best places  would be big four firms, since they offer more chances to meet clients in different industries.  (AICPA只是进入美国此行业的一个基础) Taking the test of AICPA is no doubt the essential  step for entering this profession in America and going long, so this is also part of my short term  plan in 2 or 3 years time scale. (逻辑矛盾。作为一个beginner, 短期目标是成为 professional  accountant 似乎唐突了些。而且谈目标的时候,要提到在美国院校所学的知识和技能,把 目标和留学动机结合到一起)
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